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导师类型: 硕士生导师
研究领域: 电磁超材料、声/弹性超材料
办公室: 6303


2017年12月毕业于西安交通大学电信学部电子科学技术学院物理电子学专业,获工学博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,河南省科技攻关1项,粮食信息处理与控制教育部重点实验室开放基金2项,河南省教育厅科研重点项目1项,河南工业大学高层次人才基金1项,地厅级教研项目2项。重点参与在研国家自然基金面上项目1项,河南省科技攻关计划项目2项,参与完成6项省部级科研项目。在Results in Physics, Scientific Reports, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Journal of Applied Physics,物理学报等期刊发表相关学术论文37篇,获得2020年河南省科学技术进步三等奖1项,河南工业大学教学大奖赛三等奖4项。主讲电磁场与电磁波、微波与天线、光纤通信等课程。














3. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,242102210154,基于可调光电材料超表面的太赫兹动态调制器研究,2024/01-2025/12,10万元,主持。

4. 粮食信息处理与控制教育部重点实验室开放基金,KFJJ-2023-002,基于超材料透镜天线的小麦水分含量检测研究,2023/12-2025/11,5万元,主持。

5. 粮食信息处理与控制教育部重点实验室开放基金,KFJJ-2020-106,用于粮情探测的二维五模式声学超构材料结构设计,2020/01-2022/05,3万元,主持。

6. 河南工业大学复杂性科学研究院,开放课题,CSKFJJ-2024-32,中药材深加工干燥设备漏波抑制器设计及应用,2024-05 至 2024-11,3万元,主持;

6. 河南省教育厅科研重点项目,20A140008,各向异性三维五模超材料的可调低频带隙及力学特性研究,2020/01-2021/12,3万元,主持。

7. 河南工业大学青年骨干教师项目,2021/01-2023/12,3万元,主持。

8. “双一流”创建学科研究生人才培养质量提升工程项目,HAUTSYL2023KC01,研究生精品课程建设专项(微波技术及应用),2023/07-2024/7,3万元,主持。

9. 河南工业大学教改项目,BKJX2023047,课程思政背景下“电磁场与电磁波”课程教学改革探索,2022/01-2022/12,0.5万元,主持。

10. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,242102210154,功率域非正交接入系统中对抗窃听的安全传输技术研究,2021/01-2022/12,10万元,参与。

11. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,182102310999,河南地区大气灰霾中关键污染物形态及偏振辐射特性模拟研究,2018/01-2019/12,10万元,参与。

12. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,182102310759,基于四维微波成像的建筑物沉降监测技术研究,2018/01-2019/12,10万元,参与。

13. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,212102210562,融合多维特征信息的大规模MIMO系统谱效优化研究,2020/01-2021/12,10万元,参与。

14. 河南省科技攻关计划项目,202102210340,语音情感识别中谱图特征提取机处理算法研究,2020/01-2021/12,10万元,参与。



1. 河南省科学技术技进步三等奖 (2020)

2. 河南省教育厅优秀科技论文二等奖(2023)

3. 河南工业大学优秀共产党员(2021)

4. 河南工业大学青年骨干教师(2021)

5. 河南工业大学教学质量考核优秀(2020,2021,2022)  

6. 河南工业大学教学大奖赛三等奖(2020,2021,2023)

7. 河南工业大学考核优秀(2018,2020,2021,2022,2023)


1. Yinfei Li, Yao Qin, Qifu Wang, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai*, Multi-frequency terahertz coding metasurfaces based on vanadium dioxide[J]. Optical Engineering, 2024, 63(2):028101.(JCR 4区, 中科院4区, IF= 3.409)

2. Chengxin Cai*, Xinxin Li, Guangchen He, Feiyu Lian, Mingxing Li, Qifu Wang, Yao Qin. Inverse design of dual-band photonic topological insulator beam splitters for efficient light transmission[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 57(13):135301. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

3. Xinxin Li, Yao Qin, Guangchen He, Feiyu Lian, Shuyu Zuo*, Chengxin Cai*. Machine Learning-Assisted Inverse Design of Wide-Bandgap Acoustic Topological Devices[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 57(13): 135303. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

4. Chengxin Cai, Yinfei Li, Guangchen He, Hongmei Meng, Mingxing Li, Yao Qin, Qifu Wang*. Ultra-broadband high-efficiency cross-polarization conversion and amplitude-phase manipulable multi-functional wavefront manipulation based on terahertz metasurface [J]. Physica Scripta, 2024, 99(1):015910. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF=2.9)

5. Chengxin Cai*, Guangchen He, Qing Sun, Boqiang Zhang, Yao Qin. Tunable elastic topological insulators based on bicomponent perforated structures [J]. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2023, 36(1): 1-8. (JCR 2区, 中科院2区, IF=4.051)

6. Chengxin Cai*, Guangchen He, Zhoufu Zheng, Yao Qin, Jianfei Yin*. Ultra-wideband valley transmission on elastic topological phononic crystals [J]. Results in Physics, 2023, 50: 106570. (JCR 1区, 中科院2区, IF=5.3)

7. Chengxin Cai*, Guangchen He, Yuhang Yin, Yao Qin, Huangyang Chen. Topological transmission of elastic waves on a macroscopic pentamode metamaterial plate [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 13(23):234901. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF=3.2)

8. Yao Qin, Xinxin Li, Guangchen He, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai*. Inverse design of multi-band acoustic topology insulator based on deep learning [J]. AIP Advances, 2023, 13(5):055109. (JCR 3区, 中科院4区, IF=1.697)

9. Qifu Wang,Xinxin Li, Ping Zhang, Yao Qin, Guangchen He, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai*. Double-banded topology valley transport [J]. Physics Letters A, 2023, 481:129002.  (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF=2.707)

10. 王其富,李银飞,张萍,朱留敏,蔡成欣*. 基于线性偏振转换器的太赫兹波段超宽带成像系统设计[J].无线电工程,2023,53( 12) : 2849-2857.

11. Guangchen He, Yao Qin, Qifu Wang, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai*. Multi-band acoustic topological insulator based on valley hall effect [J]. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2022, 36(1): 1-8. (JCR 4区, 中科院4区, IF=1.675)

12. Yao Qin, Xue Wang, Qifu Wang, Chengxin Cai*. Research on the structure design and pentamodal property of three-dimensional multilayer cylindrical pentamode metamaterials for tuning acoustic waves [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2022, 36(30n31): 2250169. (JCR 2区, 中科院4区, IF=1.948)

13. Guangchen He, Yao Qin, Qifu Wang, Chengxin Cai*. Characterization of two-dimensional cellular elastic topological insulators based on regular-hexagon carriers [J], Modern Physics Letters B. 2022, 36(24): 2250128. (JCR 2区, 中科院4区, IF=1.948)

14. Yao Qin, Guangchen He, Qifu Wang, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai*. Acoustic topological insulator combining hybrid tunable double elements [J]. Physics Letters A, 2022, 446: 128278. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF=2.707)

15. Chengxin Cai, XueWang, Qifu Wang, Mingxing Li, Guangchen He, ZhaohongWang, Yao Qin*. Design and optimization of three‑dimensional composite multilayer cylindrical pentamode metamaterials for controlling low frequency acoustic waves [J]. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12,5594. (JCR 1区, 中科院3区, IF= 4.996)

16. 蔡成欣*, 宁博,周路人,梁俊燕,秦瑶,楚杨阳,王兆宏.局域共振型五模超构材料的低频声波调控方法 [J].中国材料进展,2021,40(1):034-47. (中文核心)

17. 蔡成欣*, 陈韶赓, 王学梅, 梁俊燕, 王兆宏. 各向异性三维非对称双锥五模超材料的能带结构及品质因数 [J]. 物理学报, 2020, 69(13): 134302. (JCR 4区, 中科院3区, IF= 1)

18. Chengxin Cai*, Rong Guo, Xuemei Wang, Fuyan Sun, Zhaohong Wang, Zhuo Xu. Effect of anisotropy on the phononic band structure and figure of merit of pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127, 124903. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 2.877)

19. Chengxin Cai*, Chao Han, Jianfeng Wu, Zhaohong Wang, Qinghui Zhang. Tuning method of phononic band gaps of locally resonant pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52(4): 045601. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

20. Chengxin Cai, Zhaohong Wang*, Yangyang Chu, Guangshuan Liu, Yucheng Li, Zhuo Xu. The phononic band gaps of Bragg scattering and locally resonant pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(41):415105. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

21. Chengxin Cai, Zhaohong Wang*, Qingwei Li, Zhuo Xu. Pentamode metamaterials with asymmetric double-cone elements [J].  Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48(17):175103. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

22. Zhaohong Wang*, Chengxin Cai, Yangyang Chu, Guangshuan Liu, Zhuo Xu. Pentamode metamaterials with tunable acoustics band gaps and large figures of merit [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120(2):024903. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 2.877)

23. 王兆宏*, 蔡成欣, 楚杨阳, 刘广顺. 用于声波调控的五模式超材料[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(1):34-48. (中文核心)

24. Shu-Yu Zuo*, Chengxin Cai, Xiaojun Li, Ye Tian, Erjun Liang*. Performing broadband and tunable mathematical operations based on acoustic reconfigurable metasurfaces[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55(35): 354001. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

25. Mingxing Li, Tiangang Hou, Chengxin Cai, Zongwang Lv, Yongle Wu, Yao Qin*. Non-destructive wheat moisture detection system with metasurface plane wave antenna and de-embedding algorithm [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, PP(99):1-1. (JCR 1区, 中科院2区, IF= 5.332)

26. Zongwang Lv, Fuyan Sun*, Chengxin Cai. A new spatiotemporal chaotic system based on two-dimensional discrete system[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 109(4): 3133-3144. (JCR 1区, 中科院2区, IF= 5.741)

27. Yangyang Chu, Yucheng Li, Chengxin Cai, Guangshun Liu, Zhaohong Wang*, Zhuo Xu. Ultrawide bandgap pentamode metamaterials with asymmetric double-cone outside profile [J].  Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51(12): 4125103. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

28. Zhaohong Wang*, Yangyang Chu, Chengxin Cai, Guangshun Liu,Michael R. Wang. Composite pentamode metamaterials with low frequency locally resonant characteristics [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(2):756-1736. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 2.877)

29. Zhaohong Wang*, Guangshun Liu, Chengxin Cai, Yangyang Chu, Zhuo Xu. Connection overlap deviation analysis of pentamode metamaterials [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017,50:485102. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.409)

30. Boqiang Zhang, Penghui Chen*, Chengxin Cai, Xinping Wu. Two dimensional locally resonance phononic crystals for the reduction of vibration and noise in wheel-drive bus [J]. Acoustical Physics, 2021, 67(2):175-182. (JCR 4区, 中科院4区, IF= 1.116)

31. Boqiang Zhang, Penghui Chen*, Huiyong Chen, Tianpei Feng, Chengxin Cai, Jinduo Zhang. Application of phononic crystals for vibration reduction and noise reduction of wheel-driven electric buses based on neural networks [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2021. (JCR 3区, 中科院4区, IF= 1.828)

32. Yan Huang*, Xiaozhe Zhang, Haifeng Li, Chengxin Cai. Core-shell pentamode metamaterials with broader mechanical response and higher sensitivity [J]. Physica Scripta, 2021, 96 (10):105702. (JCR 2区, 中科院3区, IF= 3.081)

33. Yan Huang, Xiaozhe Zhang, Lili Zhang*, Chengxin Cai. Theoretical verification of three-dimensional manufacturable pentamode metamaterial microstructure [J]. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, 33(48):485702. (JCR 3区, 中科院3区, IF= 2.745)

34. 王兆宏*,李青蔚,蔡成欣,徐卓,可用于隔声和带隙调控的五模式超材料 [J]. 声学学报, 2017, 42(5):610-618. (EI收录)

35. 楚杨阳,王兆宏,蔡成欣,声学超表面及其声波调控特性研究[J]. 中国材料进展,2021,中国材料进展,2021,40(1):048-56. (中文核心)

36. Yao Qin, Shuo Liu, Bin Wei, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai, Tiangang Hou. Numerical simulation study of free space method for measuring sample permittivity [J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1871(1): 012003. (EI收录)

37. Yao Qin, Shuo Liu, Bin Wei, Mingxing Li, Chengxin Cai, Tiangang Hou. A new method for measuring complex relative permittivity of dielectric material by reflection method [J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1871(1): 012002. (EI收录)论著


1. 蔡成欣,王雪,秦瑶,李明星,贺广臣,王其富,葛宏义,廉飞宇等;一种基于多层圆柱型三维五模超构材料; ZL202111082297.7;(2023.07.28)

2. 蔡成欣,贺广臣,秦瑶,李明星,王雪,王其富,葛宏义,廉飞宇等;一种基于五模超构材料的声拓扑绝缘体;ZL202111170197.X; (2023.08.05)

3. Cai Chengxin, He Guangchen, Qin Yao, Li Mingxing, Wang Xue, Wang Qifu; Multi-Band Valley Topological Insulator Based On Clover-Like Scatterers; No: S2023/0089; (2023.05.04)

4. 蔡成欣,贺广臣,秦瑶,李明星,王雪,葛宏义,廉飞宇等;基于防浪石状散射体的二组元声拓扑绝缘体;ZL202210351991.2;(2023.12.05)

5. 蔡成欣,贺广臣,秦瑶,李明星,王雪,王其富,廉飞宇等;基于三叶草状散射体的多频带谷拓扑绝缘体;CN202210523645.8;(2022.05.14)

6. 蔡成欣,李银飞,孟红妹,贺广臣,秦瑶,廉飞宇,李明星,张冰,李欣欣等;用于汇聚透镜和空间成像的超宽带偏振转换器超表面;CN202310374717.1;(2023.04.10)

7. 蔡成欣,李欣欣,贺广臣,王其富,秦瑶,李明星,廉飞宇,肖乐,张冰,李银飞等;一种超宽带拓扑谷态传输声子晶体板的设计方法;CN202310564226.3;(2023.05.18)                

8. 蔡成欣,李欣欣,贺广臣,秦瑶,廉飞宇,肖乐,张冰,李银飞等; 基于深度学习算法的多频带声拓扑绝缘体及其逆向设计方法;CN202310309858.5;(2023.03.28)

9. 蔡成欣,李银飞,秦瑶,王其富,廉飞宇,李明星,张冰,李欣欣等;一种受古铜币灵感设计的极化不敏感编码超表面;CN202311006204.1;(2023.08.10)  

10. 蔡成欣,李银飞,秦瑶,王其富,廉飞宇,李明星,张冰,李欣欣;一种基于二氧化钒的多频段太赫兹编码超表面;CN202311012873.X;(2023.08.12)  

11. 蔡成欣,李欣欣,贺广臣,秦瑶,王其富,廉飞宇,肖乐,张冰,李银飞 ;一种用于高效光传输的双频带拓扑绝缘体的逆向设计方法;CN202311018724.4;(2023.08.14)

12. 秦瑶,刘硕,王其富,蔡成欣,杨卫东,肖乐,段珊珊等;基于COMSOL的小麦水分微波透射模型构建新方法; ZL201910858144.3;(2023.08.12)  

13. 秦瑶,卫彬,王其富,李明星,蔡成欣,侯天罡,刘硕等;一种容器盛载介质复相对介电常数测量方法;CN202111039870.6;(2021.09.06)

14. 李明星,王荣才,秦瑶,蔡成欣,廉飞宇,张冰等;一种宽带圆极化天线;CN202210758724.7;(2022.06.30)

15. 秦瑶,侯天罡,李明星,蔡成欣,廉飞宇,张冰等;一种超表面平面波透镜天线;CN202210771987.1;(2022.06.30)            

16. 李明星,秦瑶,许德鑫,蔡成欣,崔梓豪,侯天罡,白雪杰等;一种微带阵列天线;CN202210470592.8;(2022.04.28)

17. 杨智清,周浩,文必洋,秦瑶,蔡成欣,张冰等;一种基于决策树分类的高频地波雷达目标检测方法;CN202211566418.X;(2022.12.07)







